Many schools today offer VET or trade training programs to students at senior secondary level.
Find out exactly why St Patrick’s Technical College is different by asking your school these key questions about their trade training program…
Q. Where is the training delivered?
A. At StPatsTech, training is delivered in our own state-of-the-art on-site workshops or at our own designated live sites.* Where required, some individual pre-vocational competencies that require access to specific resources may be delivered at a TAFE SA campus or on-site with one of our industry partners.
Q. Who delivers the pre-vocational training?
A. At StPatsTech, all teachers / trainers delivering trade training are direct employees of the College.*
Q. Who audits the pre-vocational training?
A. All training delivered at StPatsTech is accredited and audited by TAFE SA under a formal partnership agreement.
Q. Who issues the Training qualifications?
A. As part of the StPatsTech partnership with TAFE SA, TAFE SA issues the nationally recognised Qualifications and Statements of Attainment for trade training undertaken at St Patrick’s.
Q. At what level is the trade training delivered?
A. At StPatsTech all training is delivered at Certificate II & III level. This is the industry-recommended qualification level appropriate for school-based delivery in trades covered at StPatsTech.
Q. How many normally timetabled lessons are missed to undertake the Trade Training program?
A. At StPatsTech, our trade training program IS our program. Therefore there are NO lessons to catch up on because a student is involved in trade training.
Q. To what level are School-based Apprenticeships supported as part of the Trade Training program?
A. Due to the level of training provided and the timetable structure, students who gain a School-based Apprenticeship whilst attending StPatsTech can spend as little as six weeks on-campus during Year 12, with the rest of the time spent in the workplace as a regular paid apprentice. This does not jeopardise the successful attainment of the SACE.
Q. How many students gain apprenticeships while still enrolled in the Trade Training program?
A. Since 2007, two-thirds of the students enrolled at StPatsTech have commenced an apprenticeship whilst still enrolled at school. Most of the remainder go on to commence apprenticeships in the months following graduation.
Q. How much work experience is part of the Trade Training program?
A. At StPatsTech pre-apprenticeship students undertake a minimum of six weeks Work Experience as part of their program.
Q. Is direct entry to university still an option after graduating from the Trade Training program?
A. Students who undertake courses in our School of Engineering & Transport may be eligible for an ATAR (Australian Tertiary Admission Rank) allowing them to progress to university. However, an ATAR is not the only way to achieve a tertiary offer. Contact us to find out more about your options.