Are You Ready to Start Your Trade Career

Your Trade Career?

St Patrick’s Technical College provides a different style of education from that of mainstream schools. Located in Edinburgh North, our purpose-built trade facility provides a unique learning environment, accommodating Year 10 to 12 students who love to work with their hands and helping find a pathway they are passionate about.

The College offers eight pre-apprenticeship VET programs, along with a comprehensive work experience program, to enable students a deeper understanding and experience of their chosen trade. This provides students with a greater skillset leading to employment opportunities in current and future trades:

What Makes Us Different?

St Patrick’s Technical College is South Australia’s only stand-alone Year 10 to 12 vocational education college. We offer a trade relevant SACE curriculum, training and apprenticeship pathways for students in pursuit of vocational education and training options.

The SACE curriculum has been developed specifically to support the pre-vocational training. Our educational model allows for the complete integration of SACE with VET, with core subjects taught in a way that makes them relevant to each specific trade program. These subjects have been developed with direct input from industry.

St Patrick’s Technical College provides students with the education, training, real-life personal experiences and employability skills that employers crave for, setting them up for positive job prospects into the future.

Learning and education is a lifelong process and we recognise that students learn differently. The education and skills students acquire while on their educational journey, at the College, through trade exploration and real workplace experience, will serve students well for jobs now, of the future and for the rest of their lives.

Join Us on a College Tour

As part of the enrolment process, we request all families visit our amazing College and discover how uniquely different we are. This is an opportunity to see our trade focused learning environment, learn about our education, training and apprenticeship pathways model, see our state of the art facilities and discuss our programs, curriculum and enrolment process.

Weekly College Tours are held throughout the year at 9:30am or 4pm.
Bookings are essential as numbers are strictly limited to ensure individual attention.

Join us for a Saturday Principal’s Tour at 9:30am to hear from our Principal, Danny Deptula.
The scheduled dates for 2024 tours are 16 March, 18 May, 29 June, 24 August and 19 October.
Bookings are essential as numbers are strictly limited. 

Book a Tour

Registrations to attend a College Tour can be made by completing the form below, first selecting the tour date you wish to attend from the drop down menu.
Alternatively, contact our Enrolments Registrar on 08 8209 3700 or email