How to Enrol


St Patrick’s Technical College

Thank you for your interest in St Patrick’s Technical College.
As a purpose-built trade College offering education, training and apprenticeship pathways to Year 10 to 12 students, the College welcomes applications from all families. To assist in your enrolment journey, the following procedure sets out the requirements to enrol each student at St Patrick’s Technical College.


To learn more about our unique College click here to request a College Prospectus. Alternatively contact our Enrolments Registrar on 08 8209 3700 or email

Join Us on a College Tour

As part of the enrolment process, we request all families visit our amazing College. This is an opportunity to see our unique learning environment, learn about our education, training, and apprenticeship pathways model, see our state of the art facilities and discuss our programs, curriculum and enrolment process.

To join us on a College Tour, visit our College Tours page where you will find dates and tour registrations. 

Submit an Application for Enrolment Form

An Application for Enrolment form must be completed and submitted for each student who wishes to attend St Patrick’s Technical College at Year 10, 11 or 12.

If you would prefer a hard copy of the application, this can be collected when visiting for a College Tour or requested from our Enrolments Registrar, via phone on 08 8209 3700 or email

A completed Application for Enrolment does not automatically guarantee a place at St Patrick’s Technical College. 

Where applicable, the name and details of both parents or carers is required and a separate form must be completed for each student applying. An Application for Enrolment will only be accepted if all sections are completed correctly, all relevant supporting documentation is supplied and the Parent or Carer section is signed.

Supporting documentation is required with your application and includes; birth certificate (or extract), 2 most recent school reports, Year 9 NAPLAN report, any court order or related information, documentation relating to special needs (e.g. reports, action plans, assessments, etc.), VISA documentation, WHS White Card (if attained) and current First Aid certificate (if attained).

Core Skills Assessment

Once an Application for Enrolment form has been submitted, each student is required to sit a Core Skills Assessment. The purpose of the assessment is to gain a general understanding of the student’s ability across reading, writing and numeracy. The College will arrange a time for the student to attend the College and sit the assessment.

Enrolment Interview

In completing the Core Skills Assessment, each student and at least one parent or carer will be invited to attend an enrolment interview. The enrolment interview is an informal conversation, with a member of the College leadership team, to learn more about the student, their interests, hobbies, learning strengths or weaknesses and trade pathway preferences and experiences.

The interview also provides an opportunity for the family to learn more about our College values, offerings, expectations of our students and more.

Letter of Offer

Once the enrolment interview has been conducted, the College will be in a position to provide a Letter of Offer to join our community. Families will also be informed if the College is unable to offer an enrolment or if the offer at the College is to be deferred.

The College also reserves the right to terminate an enrolment where the parents or cares have failed to declare or have knowingly withheld information pertaining to the student.

Acceptance of Enrolment

An enrolment will only be guaranteed once all required documentation is completed and returned to the College, along with a non-refundable Enrolment Guarantee Fee of $200, to be returned and paid within 7 days of the date of the letter of offer. The $200 Enrolment Guarantee Fee will be credited against the first year’s tuition fee. 

Failure to return the required documentation and pay the Enrolment Guarantee Fee within the prescribed time will lapse the offer of enrolment, enabling it to be offered to another applicant.


Learn more about our unique College


Year 10 to 12 prospectus


Application for enrolment in Year 10 to 12