Work Experience


Work Experience (WEX) Program

WEX is a compulsory part of the College’s Work Ready curriculum.

It provides the opportunity for students to:

  • Explore and experience an area of interest or their trade choice
  • Learn, grow and develop real workplace skills
  • Acquire important industry connections
  • Gain valuable feedback from employers about their general employability skills such as attitude, work ethic, initiative, WHS, punctuality, presentation, problem solving abilities, communication and teamwork skills.

WEX helps students to learn in a workplace without the direct supervision of a teacher. Students get the opportunities to observe a variety of work as well as undertake supervised work appropriate to their age, maturity, competence and skill level.

It provides students with valuable opportunities to develop vocational skills, knowledge and attitudes in the context of real work environments. It is also a chance for them to learn outside of the classroom.

WEX can help young people to learn about what employers expect, what responsibilities workers have and also help them to make decisions about their future career options.

A significant number of students are offered apprenticeships by employers following a successful WEX block.

The College WEX program ensures students are continuously trying a variety of trades and industries to identify and explore genuine pathways they are passionate about. Through these experiences students are better able to understand the workplace, job requirements, and what they can expect when entering employment in a particular trade or field.

As per the table below, Year 10 & Year 11 students have seven compulsory WEX blocks scheduled during term time, and Year 12 students have six compulsory WEX blocks scheduled during term time.

WEX is not applicable for part-time or full-time School Based Apprentices and Trainees (SBATs) as they are already in paid employment. Year 10 and Year 11 campus-based students must complete seven compulsory WEX blocks per year, and Year 12 students six compulsory WEX blocks.

All Year 11 and Year 12 students undertaking VET trade training courses are still required to attend their usual trade training day during WEX blocks. Hence, WEX blocks will only be 4-days per week for Year 11 & Year 12 students undertaking a VET course. Any variations to the WEX dates or schedule will be communicated to students and families.

Please view the College’s WEX Handbook for further information.