Wishing all the Dad’s associated with #stpatstech a very happy Fathers’ Day.
Dads are one of our earliest role models and influences. They shape the adults we become through their love, guidance and terrible taste in humour.
Here at #stpatstech we are privileged to see many great father/child relationships in action just like Brett Moseley and his son Declan. Declan is a StPatsTech School-based Apprentice and it was his time spent in his father’s workshop at Northside Sheetmetal that lead him to work in the metals engineering industry.
“I used to work for dad in the school holidays and enjoyed doing this type of work,” Declan said.
Brett said it was a mutual decision for Declan to seek his trade with another local business, to enable him to spread his wings, but he may return to the family business down the track.
Declan is a first year apprentice boilermaker with Weldfab Engineering at Edinburgh North.
Another big influence Brett has had on his children (including Connor, 16) was passing on his passion for motorsport. As vice president of the FPV & XR Car Club – SA, Brett said his love of Fords has seen Declan join the club and put much of his hard-earned wages towards his XR6 Falcon.
As a tradesman himself, Brett said he was pleased to see Declan secure an apprenticeship.
A trade career has enabled Brett to own his own successful sheet metal business, employing 10 people, buy a family home, raise a family and travel both nationally and internationally regularly. His wife Robyn also works in the business, taking care of the books and “everything else” to do with the family.
#happyfathersday #dadsrock