Come and discover why joining St Patrick’s Technical College in Year 11 is the best option to give you the head start you want in a trades and technical career!
You can join StPatsTech in Y11, 2018 and study specialist trade theory subjects alongside a Certificate II technical qualification. By the end of Y12 you can be part way through the first year of an apprenticeship at the same time as completing your SACE.
When: Sunday 19 March, 12:00 – 4:00pm
Where: St Patrick’s Technical College, Edinburgh North Smart Industries Precinct
Open Day will showcase the trades and technical career pathways we offer in seven specialist programs:
Through our large industry network we can connect you with employment opportunites in all these areas across northern Adelaide, the metroplitan area and the rest of South Australia.
In the past 10 years, over 760 students have started their careers through apprenticeships at St Patrick’s Technical College while finishing Y12. That’s two out of every three students who have joined us!
Open Day is the opportunity for prospective students and families to:
- Meet College Principal, Mr Rob Thomas, at the Welcome & Information Briefing (1:00pm)
- Try our interactive displays and worshop activities
- Sample the culinary work of our student chefs
- Tour the $15 million purpose-built facility complete with engineering, automotive and construction workshops, commercial kitchen, computer-aided design (CAD) studios and rapid prototyping equipment
- Discuss details of the College’s programs with our industry experienced teachers and technical trainers as well as current students and graduates
- Discover pathways to further education and training via our partnership arrangement with TAFE SA
- Learn about the College’s involvement in the Australian Government’s $4.3 million P-TECH pilot supporting pathways to employment in South Australia’s growing Defence Industries sector
If you’re in Y10 and looking to give yourself the best chance to get a head start on the career you want, Open Day is a great time to lodge your enrolment papers for 2018. Getting in early ensures you are allocated a place in your first preference course.