Subs In School program


Year 10 students have been involved in the Subs In Schools program with the opportunity to collaborate with industry and to foster their STEM learning.

Mentored each week by P-TECH Australia partners Saab Australia, students received one-on-one industry guidance from mentors within the Saab Graduate Program, who have assisted students in understanding the complexities of underwater design, electronics, and mathematics.
Students have designed and built a Remotely Operated Underwater Vehicle (ROV) required to be buoyant and have the capability to move in all directions.
The program has introduced students to design, engineering and manufacturing and strengthened their ‘soft skills’, including teamwork, problem solving and communication.
As part of the P-TECH Australia (Pathways in Technology) program, mentoring with key industry partners provides an education-industry collaboration and industry-supported pathways for students to explore science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM).

Year 10 Subs In School program

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