Student reports for Term 2 have been released today for parents and caregivers, with access via the College’s Parent Access Module (PAM).
To log into PAM follow this link http://pam.stpatstech.sa.edu.au. All families were issued PAM access at the start of the year with Username a four digit number.
Please contact the College: info@stpatstech.sa.edu.au if you need to check your log in information. Families requiring a printed version of the report are asked to contact the College on 8209 3700.
Parent-Caregiver/Student/Teacher Interviews
Bookings are now OPEN for Parent-Caregiver/Student/Teacher interviews held on July 31. Bookings for interview times are also made through PAM by opening this link to Parent Teacher Interviews and click on the relevant subject to make a time with the teacher.
Note: one appointment time per teacher even though the student may have the teacher for multiple subjects. Please contact the College if assistance is required.