The College Board met this week and embarked on a strategic planning review to determine future opportunities for St Patrick’s Technical College.
The review is looking at the possibility of new course offerings, the need to keep pace with changes to VET and skills delivery and how our partnership with TAFE SA might be enhanced. Other partnership opportunities are also being explored, particularly with industry in an attempt to fully meet their needs.
This is an ongoing process and one on which I will keep the College community updated.
One of the matters also being discussed is the development of a 360 degree survey to involve all our families and stakeholders. The Board would welcome comment or feedback on the direction of the College.
The AGM of Northern Futures was held this week and I was re-elected for a further term on the Board. Northern Futures is a not for profit organisation which is funded by both the State and Federal Governments, and whose mission is to connect young people and the unemployed with job opportunities in the northern areas. This involves counselling, training courses, careers advice and development programs.
Northern Futures does much work in schools in the northern suburbs and, like St Patrick’s, links with industry to provide employment outcomes. Northern Futures has offices and training rooms at the Elizabeth and Salisbury shopping centres and is open to anyone seeking employment advice and support.
The first Open Day for this year is on this Sunday at the College. This is our major showcase occasion and existing families are welcome to attend. I would encourage you to let any perspective families know so they have the opportunity to see what is on offer for young people in a trade focused school environment.
Industry engagement with the College is still strong with many apprenticeships on offer at the present time. There are currently eighteen apprenticeships listed on the apprenticeship notice board adjacent to the Industry Office. These are across a range of industries with many in the various building trades.
Students need to keep an eye on the apprenticeship board as it is constantly updated as employment opportunities arise. Students seeking apprenticeships need to speak with College Industry Relations Manager, Mr Jim Montgomery, to get an application process under way.
The total apprenticeships obtained by the College for students since 2008 now stands at more than 560, with many more being achieved after graduation. We are grateful to our industry partners who have made this possible.
We are currently in the season of Lent and Easter is fast approaching. This is a major feast in the Church when we celebrate the death and resurrection of Christ. During lent we prepare for Easter through acts of reflection, prayer or denial.
This also coincides with the Vinnie’s Winter Appeal and we are supporting this in our College with the collection of clothes or blankets which can be deposited in the Vinnie’s bins located in the foyer. Please support those who are less fortunate in our community at this time.