Please note that Word Docs will be downloaded to your computer and PDF files will open in a new tab or window.
Incident Reporting Reference Guide (PDF)
WHS Employee Induction Guide (PDF)
WHS Employee Induction Checklist (PDF)
WHS Employee DT Induction Checklist (PDF)
WHS Employee Food & Hospitality Induction Checklist (PDF)
WHS Employee & Student Science Induction Checklist (PDF)
WHS Employee Systems & Control Lab Induction Checklist (PDF)
Excursion / Incursion / Event Risk Assessment Template (Word Doc)
Hazard Sheet 1, 2, 3 and 4 provide ideas and prompts for you to complete the risk assessment thoroughly:
Hazard Sheet 1 – What Could Cause Harm (PDF)
Hazard Sheet 2 – What Could Go Wrong (PDF)
Hazard Sheet 3 – Controls (PDF)
Hazard Sheet 4 – Monitor and Review (PDF)
CESA Excursions, Camps, Adventure, Physical & Sporting Activates Procedure (PDF)
– Reference guide to determine ratios and provide specific requirements.
DECS Camps and Excursions Guide (PDF)
– Reference guide to determine ratios and provide specific requirements.
Tips for completing a thorough risk assessment
- Try and have the risk assessment to the WHS Officer 2 weeks before the event takes place (if possible).
- Obtain any relevant information from the venue being visited or the organisation coming on site (such as any hazards associated with the venue or activity etc.)
- Do your own research. Google or ask another staff member who may have been part of the excursion/incursion/event previously & find out what their experiences were and any hazards they may have identified.
- A typical risk assessment may have information on travel arrangements, location, insurance, staff accreditation, activities, age group, equipment, supervision, access, egress, emergencies, health requirements, first aid, foreseeable/potential risks & what happens during inclement weather or when schedules need to be altered.
- Don’t just copy and paste a previous risk assessment. Think about what are the hazards a person may be exposed to, what are the risks of something causing harm and how can we eliminate and/or mitigate the hazard and risk?
- Control strategies need to be documented & the staff member/s involved are responsible to make sure the control measures are put into place.
- Complete the Monitor and Review section asap after the event has taken place and return to the WHS Officer.