We are excited to announce our new #StPatsTech College Leaders for 2023. This week our leaders were commissioned into their new roles to commence an important act of service – advocating for the student body, continuing to build positive relationships, and representing the College in the wider community.
Congratulations to Layla Syed, our new College Captain, and to Shanara Healy, Mitchell Tidswell and Jayden Carmody, as our College Vice Captains.
It was a privilege to welcome Matt Burnell MP, Federal Member for Spence, to our celebrations and bestow a few words of wisdom as a leader in our community. Mr Burnell reciprocated the message of the important role our leaders will head and how their relationships with their peers will influence, inspire, and help them to become their best selves.
A new Aboriginal Flag, Australian Flag, and Torres Strait Island Flag were presented to our College Captain.