St Patrick’s Technical College has shared its fully immersive approach to vocational education and training with Catholic schools from around the country.
This week Adelaide hosted the National Catholic VET and Vocational Learning gathering which has included conference days and site visits. Delegates heard from StPatsTech staff about the College’s P-TECH Australia program, which was recently named as a finalist in the SA Training Awards Industry Collaboration category.
The presentation was followed by visits to the Rosewater Trade Training Centre and StPatsTech.
Delegates were treated to lunch prepared by the College’s Hospitality and Lifestyle students before undertaking a tour of the $15-million purpose-built trade training facilities.
Jacqui Asser, Senior Education Adviser – Vocational Education, Catholic Education South Australia, said the delegates represented Catholic schools, diocese and training organisations from every state and territory in the country.
“They (delegates) are looking at all the different ways that we can deliver VET to our students in Catholic schools,’’ Ms Asser said. “Being able to show them two different models here in Adelaide has been wonderful.”
StPatsTech Principal Danny Deptula said it was a great honour to have the delegates visit the College to learn more about our programs and outcomes. He said it was also good for StPatsTech to be part of the gathering this week to ensure they are up with best practice in vocational education.
“By coming together and learning what does and does not work in delivering vocational education to the nation’s young people means we are all better educators,’’ he said.
“It is also wonderful to make connections with other educators in the industry and grow our network of supporters.’’
Some delegates will stay on in Adelaide to attend the National VET Conference at the Adelaide Convection Centre this week. StPatsTech will also be sending a number of staff members to take part in the conference.