St Patrick’s Technical College has welcomed the South Australian Government’s 2017/18 budget measures to encourage more youth into apprenticeships.
Treasurer Tom Koutsantonis announced an extra $8.1 million over three years for the Jobs Accelerator Grants.
For local small businesses, this could be a great step to putting on a School-based Apprentice. Businesses with payrolls less than $600,000 will be eligible for a grant of $9000 over two years for each new job of 22 hours or more per week.
Businesses with payroll between $600,000 and $5 million will now be eligible for up to $15,000 over two years for each full-time equivalent apprentice. Both packages will be backdated to July 2016.
StPatsTech Principal, Rob Thomas, said the extra $5000 per package would help encourage investment in apprenticeships in the local area.
With approximately 800 Year 11 and 12 StPatsTech students commencing apprenticeships in the past decade, Mr Thomas said the specialist technical and vocational college had introduced innovative programs like P-TECH and new courses to keep abreast of the skills needs in Adelaide industries.
He said the College’s ability to respond the industry skills needs was even more important now with the closure of automotive manufacturing at the Holden plant in the northern suburbs and the emerging Defence and Advanced Manufacturing industries in the region.
“We are very excited to be introducing an Information Technology Certificate IV Programming course in partnership with Saab Australia and TAFE SA for 2018,’’ Mr Thomas said.
“Working collaboratively with industry and having built those relationships over the past 10 years, means StPatsTech is uniquely positioned to respond to addressing the skills gaps across a range of industries.’’
Mr Thomas encouraged the College’s current employer partners and any business considering employing an apprentice, to access the Jobs Accelerator Grants from the South Australian Government.
For more information please contact StPatsTech Communications Officer, Hayley Odgers, on 8209 3709 or Hayley.odgers@stpatstech.sa.edu.au