Today our Year 12 Electrotechnology class visited the AGL sites at the Burra Renewable Energy Centre and the wind farms in Hallett.
Although a long drive, students enjoyed the day. We were blessed with great weather and breathtaking views on top of the Hallett site. We saw 34 turbines in operation and were able to look at monitoring equipment at the sub-station and were treated to presentations and tours by expert staff from AGL and Vestas.
Showbags supplied to students were filled with valuable information for their assignments and for their personal interest as they being the transition from school to careers in the electrotechnology industry.
Many thanks to Mr Michael Haddad for his expert driving skills and to Naomi, Yao, Rene and Hugh from AGL and Vestas for their time, effort and for sharing their knowledge and experience. Students really appreciated this amazing learning opportunity.
Miss Marija Babic
Electrotechnology WPP Teacher
Click here for more photographs from this Industry Visit. All photographs courtesy of Joshua Arabilla and Dale Stevens