Support For Youth Homelessness

2024 12PC1 Centacare_Hero
St Patrick’s Technical College has a faithfulness to supporting local charities, to strengthen our bonds within our community, to help address local challenges, and create a sense of purpose through compassion and generosity.
Our Year 12.1 class has shared the mission of Service. Passionate about supporting youth at risk of homelessness, students connected with local charity Centacare to support their community services and to help make a difference.
Throughout Term 2 and into Term 3, students spent a significant amount of lesson time exploring the issue of youth homelessness, understanding and developing empathy, and planning fundraisers.
Students organised a series of enriching fundraising initiatives and spent time making and sourcing items for donations. Collectively, students have:
  • sewn eight warm blankets
  • purchased hygiene products and assembled sanitary packages
  • undertook a clothing drive
  • cooked and served a sausage sizzle – raising $260
  • collected monetary donations from College staff – totalling $140.
The College is very proud of the student engagement, thoughtfulness and advocacy. The initiative formed part of a Community Connections project where the Year 12 students went far beyond the original scope. Their embodiment of our College Value ‘Serve’ has been truly inspirational.